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Curriculum Intent

To deliver an ambitious curriculum which is coherently planned and sequenced, enabling children to become passionate learners who develop sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment, to use their God-Given talents and to make a positive contribution to the world.

Curriculum Statement

St Peter’s curriculum is overseen by Ms A Keane, Deputy Headteacher, Quality of Education and Mrs A Crees, Senior Assistant Headteacher. They work closely with Directors of Learning to constantly review and develop our curriculum. All teaching staff are involved in developing the curriculum in their subject areas.

If you have any queries regarding any part of the curriculum, please contact either Ms Keane or Mrs Crees via 

A general outline of our current curriculum in each year group is as follows:

Year 7

English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Geography, History, Spanish or French, Physical Education, PSHE Music, Computer Science, Art, Drama and Design Technology are taught. Art and Design Technology (Food) and Design Technology (Resistant Materials) are taught on a termly rotation.

The year group is divided into three parallel bands consisting of three classes. In Mathematics classes are loosely set by ability. In Physical Education, in each band there a class of Boys, a class of Girls and a Mixed class, set on ability. All other subjects are taught as mixed ability groups.

Years 8 and 9

English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Geography, History, Spanish or French, Physical Education, PSHE Music, Computer Science, Art, Drama and Design Technology are taught. Design Technology (Food) and Design Technology (Resistant Materials) are taught on a twice-yearly rotation.

The year group is divided into two parallel bands consisting of four classes. In Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, History, Geography and Religious Education pupils are set by ability. All other subjects are taught as mixed ability groups.

Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11, pupils study a core curriculum of English language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Triple Award or Combined), Religious Education, PSHE and Physical Education. The vast majority of pupils study Spanish or French and History or Geography. Other subjects selected as options include Design Technology, Catering, Computer Science, Dance, GCSE Physical Education, BTEC Sport, Sociology, Business Studies, Health and Social Care, Music, Art and Design and Drama.

Pupils are set according to ability in of English language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Triple Award or Combined) and Religious Education. All other subjects are taught as mixed ability groups.

Years 12 and 13

Pupils study two year A Level or Applied General qualifications. A level subjects offered are: Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama, English Literature, Film Studies, French, Geography, History, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Politics, Psychology, Physics, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Sociology and Spanish. Applied General subjects offered are Business Studies, Criminology, Health and Social Care, Medical Science and Sport. Pupils are also offered the opportunity to study one year AS courses in Core Mathematicss or Extended Project, in addition to their A Level and Applied General subjects. All pupils study a Christian Living course throughout Y12 and Y13 and have an opportunity to undertake work experience.


In all year groups, the curriculum offered is enhanced by a wide range of enrichment activities including residential trips, visits, visiting speakers, field work, work experience, debating, challenges, sporting fixtures, primary liaison, careers, musical and drama activities. Catholic Social Teaching is very much part of the curriculum and Catholic Life of the school, each year we make this a focus during our Mission Week.