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Year 11-12 Transition

Subject Work for Transition to Year 12
Each subject has provided transition work for you to complete over the summer holidays. This work is designed to help you prepare for Level 3 studies and develop good independent study habits. Completing the transition work will ensure you start Year 12 in the best possible way.
This transition work is not optional; it will be assessed for completion and effort by your teachers when you return.
Remember, it's important to make a positive first impression as you begin your courses.
(Transition work to be added.)
The Importance of Independent Study
A key difference between Key Stage 4 (KS4) and Key Stage 5 (KS5) is the emphasis on independent study. Achieving success at KS5 relies heavily on your ability to manage your own learning outside of the classroom. Developing strong independent study skills will not only help you grasp complex subjects more effectively but also prepare you for further education and future career paths.
Embrace this opportunity to build these crucial skills, and remember that your dedication and effort over the summer will set the foundation for your success in Year 12 and beyond.

Online Transition Course

Alongside the subject transition work we expect all students to complete a free online skills booster course by tutor2u on the transition to Sixth Form.  It covers how to make notes, research, manage your time and make the most of your time in Sixth Form.

You can access this using the link below: