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Character Virtues

PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education), RSHE (Relationships, sex and health education), CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) and Citizenship are all taught primarily within the FAITH Catholic Character Virtues at St Peter’s Catholic School.

At St Peter’s Catholic School we value the personal development of all students. We ensure PSHE is taught in timetabled lessons once a fortnight, alongside other subjects and additionally, for PSHE is taught once a week. This is to ensure all of our pupils  have time allocated to develop knowledge, as well as ensuring there is time for planned and purposeful discussion and questions.

All PSHE curriculum lessons are delivered using booklets that are created using accredited resource banks and are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they are age appropriate and effectively serve the specific community of St Peter’s Catholic School and its surrounding areas.

We take our PSHE curriculum lessons as another opportunity to develop the literacy skills of our pupils through expert teaching of reading. In all lessons, pupils engage with challenging texts about complex issues, this is designed to increase both the academic rigour as well as the intrinsic value of PSHE curriculum lessons. Literacy skills are fundamental skills for success and safety in the modern world. 

Student knowledge is assessed using knowledge harvests at the beginning of every term and at the end of every time.  In addition we use Do Now recall tasks, baseline tasks and progress reflections in each lesson and cumulatively through our knowledge tests, in the same way as all other subject areas.

Community voice is regularly used to review the impact the curriculum including pupil voice, parent voice, staff voice and intelligence from the local community including the police.