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Individual Liberty

This reflects our FAITH Catholic Curriculum virtues by encouraging individuals to freely pursue personal growth and expression while contributing positively to the community.

Our aim is to provide our students with the powerful knowledge they need to make well-informed decisions that will lead them to be healthy, contributing, successful members of society. We regularly create opportunities for our pupils to express and explore their individual identity. Our enrichment programme provides pupils an opportunity to deepen or explore unique interests within the academy day as an entitlement.

Individual Liberty is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in:

History: pupils learn about slavery and the removal of individual liberty based on race.

Religious Education: pupils learn about religious persecution and the value of the freedom to follow your religion.

We also make great efforts to ensure our children are exposed to a wide range of experiences beyond their own community. We do this through a comprehensive offer for wider opportunities, including our enrichment programme, external speakers and visits both local and further afield. This enables children to embrace differences and celebrate commonality between peoples alongside developing a pride in Britishness and a sense of belonging to our nation.