Admission Process
St Peter’s Catholic School admissions process is part of the Solihull Local Authority co-ordinated scheme. For details on how to apply for a school place please click on: Starting primary or secondary school |
Alternatively, they can be contacted on 0121 704 6693 or by email at
Our School Admissions Policy can be accessed by clicking the relevant link.
For more information on how to apply for a place at St Peter’s Catholic School, please visit: Moving schools during the school year |
Admission Appeals
If you are not offered a place at this school, you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate a place to your child. Accepting the place you have been offered does not affect your right of appeal. Our appeals are handled by Solihull Council’s School Appeals Department and are heard virtually by an independent panel. The appeal clerk will send you the details of your hearing. If your appeal is received after the closing date, we cannot guarantee that this will be heard within the schedule. Appeals are not heard during the school holidays. You will receive 10 schooldays’ notice of the time and date of the appeal hearing. Before your appeal hearing, you will be sent a statement explaining why your child has not been offered a place and why the school is unable to admit another pupil. Any additional documentation you want to provide in support of your appeal must be sent to the appeal clerk 3 school days before your hearing date. The appeals timetable is as follows:
Appeal for a place in year 7 starting in September 2024
- Closing date for submitting your appeal form: 12 April 2024
- Appeals will be heard by: 17 June 2024 if possible
Appeal for a place to start in reception or year 3 in a junior school in September 2024
- Closing date for submitting your appeal form: 15 May 2024
- Appeals will be heard by: 17 July 2024 if possible
Appeal for a place starting at any other time
- Closing date for submitting your appeal form: 20 days after receipt of your outcome (refusal)
- Appeal will be heard by: 30 school days after the appeals clerk has received your form or as soon as reasonably practical
For further information, please visit:
Appeals for normal round of admissions (Year 7 Intake) |
Date of allocation of places |
3rd March 2025 |
Deadline for lodging appeals and providing evidence to support the appeal (if appropriate) |
31st March 2025
Link to appeal form for Y7 intake: School admission appeals
Appeals will be heard by |
17th June 2025, if possible.
Notice of appeal hearing |
You will receive 10 school days’ notice of the time and date of the appeal hearing. Before your appeal hearing, you will be sent a statement explaining why your child has not been offered a place and why the school is unable to admit another pupil.
Deadline for governing body to submit evidence for the appeal |
At least 10 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Deadline for sending appeal papers to all parties |
No later than 10 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Deadline for appellant to submit additional evidence |
At least 3 school days before the appeal hearing. Information or evidence not submitted by the deadline might not be considered at the appeal. |
Late applications for appeals will be heard by |
At the same time as previously scheduled appeals, if possible, or within 30 school days this if not possible. |
Decision letters sent to appellant |
Normally within 5 school days. |
Appeals for In-Year Admissions |
Deadline for lodging appeals and providing evidence to support the appeal (if appropriate) |
20 days after receipt of your outcome (refusal).
Please use this form to appeal for a school place for an “in year” appeal for years 7-11.
Appeals will be heard |
30 school days after the appeals clerk has received your form or as soon as reasonably practical. |
Notice of appeal hearing |
At least 10 school days’ notice. |
Deadline for governing body to submit evidence for the appeal |
At least 7 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Deadline for sending appeal papers to all parties |
No later than 10 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Deadline for appellant to submit additional evidence |
Any additional documentation you want to provide in support of your appeal must be sent to the appeal clerk 3 school days before your hearing date. Information or evidence not submitted by the deadline might not be considered at the appeal. |
Late applications for appeals will be heard |
At the same time as previously scheduled appeals, if possible, or within 30 school days if not. |
Decision letters sent to appellant |
Normally within 5 school days. |