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  • Catholic Life

     Introduction -  Our Mission statement, St Peter's Profile and St Peter's Mission

    We work hard to build a better world where Faith is our Foundation

    St Peter's Profile - The five virtues we aspire to follow


    St Peter's Mission - Our aims based on Catholic Social Teaching


    During the season of Advent there is a lot going on at St Peter's. Have a look at our virtual Advent Calendar. This is available as a downloadable PowerPoint at the bottom of this page.

    Prayer and Liturgy 

    A time to pray bell sounds at 8.35, 8.45 and 3.02 as a signal to say prayers at the beginning and end of the day. The particular tune is determined by the liturgical calendar. For example.

    September – Laudato'si.

    March – Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom

    October – As I kneel before you

    April – Alleluia, Alleluia, Give thanks to the risen Lord 

    November – I watch the sunrise 

    May – Ave Maria 

    December – When is he coming, the redeemer 

    June – The Power of your love

    January – Go tell it on the mountain 

    July – I the Lord of Sea and Sky 

    February – Christ be our light 


    Our school prayer which is prayed daily and is displayed in classrooms and on each and every computer system.

    School Prayer 

    Dear Lord, 

    We thank you for our gifts and talents. 

    Help us to strive to use them wisely for the benefit of our special community. 

    Guide us to fulfil your plan for each of us. 

    Give us the grace to be humble, respectful and tolerant this day and all the days of our lives. 

    Saint Peter

    Pray for us  


     Jubilee Year Prayer 

    Father in heaven,

    may the faith you have given us

    in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

    and the flame of charity enkindled

    in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

    reawaken in us the blessed hope

    for the coming of your Kingdom.

    May your grace transform us

    into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

    May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos

    in the sure expectation

    of a new heaven and a new earth,

    when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,

    your glory will shine eternally.


    May the grace of the Jubilee

    reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,

    a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

    May that same grace spread

    the joy and peace of our Redeemer

    throughout the earth.

    To you our God, eternally blessed,

    be glory and praise for ever.



    St Peter, our patron, is a source of great inspiration. ‘The rock’ of the church but equally somebody who didn’t always get everything right, makes him a perfect example. 

    Each form group take the name of a Saint. The profile of each of these in shown below. 

    • St Matthew
    • St Mark
    • St Luke
    • St John
    • St Paul
    • St Andrew
    • St Thomas
    • St Simon Peter

    Assembly Themes and Rota 

    The liturgical year displayed here, inspires and structured the themes of our Assemblies. Each year group has one year group assembly each week.

    Links to our local parishes

    Charity Work 

    Being generous and grateful are two values of our Catholic Pupil Profile which are visited often but particularly times when we support charities. Remember the Catholic Social teachings, raising money for those less fortunate is a crucial part of being at St Peter’s. 

    • Charity Events
    • Food Bank appeal