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Personal Development

At St Peter’s Catholic School, we strive to fulfil the potential of all students.

The Personal Development Curriculum offer is broad and balanced.  We have ensured that pupils at St Peter’s are exposed to a rigorous and research led model for Personal Development which is guided by the:

  • Catholic Education Service
  • the PHSE Association (whole school membership)
  • University of Birmingham Jubilee Centre of Research – Character Education 

The purpose of Personal Development is to:

  1. Develop character virtues  - spiritual growth, good sense, practical wisdom; the capacity to choose intelligently between alternatives.
  2. Supports pupils to access diverse aspects of life
  3. Provides skills and opportunities to support them in adult life.

Building character is a corner-stone to our Personal Development purpose of helping our pupils develop into happy, confident, successful individuals who will contribute positively to the world around them, inspired by the virtues of FAITH.  It is caught through positive role models who provide everyday examples of positive Catholic FAITH virtues. It is taught through educational experiences in and out of the classroom that give students the language and skills to develop their character. Finally, it is sought by providing opportunities for students to seek out and pursue their own character development. Put those three pieces of the jigsaw together and you have an approach that will deliver a lasting impact.  We will work to attain recognition for the quality of our curriculum through the acquisition of kitemarks such as The UNRRS, Votes for Schools Student Voice Awards, Rail Safe Friendly Awards and the ACT Citizenship Award.  St Peter’s pupils will also be encouraged to partake in opportunities such training to be Princess Diana Anti Bullying Ambassadors as Youth Parliament members and participants in Live Simply CAFOD and Fair Trade initiatives.

For further information see: